On 22 Aug 2018, RS wrote:
> Quite apart from the bug, what comes across to me from the logs is that, 
> with the default refresh settings, a large number of regional and local 
> channels are searched every time the cache is refreshed.  I can't speak 
> for the poster in the forum, but for myself I am rarely interested in 
> regional or local programmes.  I now use
> --refresh-exclude-groups=regional,local
> Ought that to be the default?

Personally I prefer the current behaviour: though I speak only English,
I find that some of the Alba / S4C stuff is conveniently just a brief
native-language intro prefacing something that's actually of much wider
interest, e.g., currently https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00005mf
The cache refresh even on the wrong side of ADSL is fairly quick for me
and I do it only every few days.

-- Mark

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