In article <>,
   RS <> wrote:
> On 26/08/18 11:05, Jim Lesurf wrote:
> > Until yesterday I've been using an old version of gip to fetch radio 
> > programmes. This is on my usual "Ain't broke" -> "Don't fix" basis. 
> > However yesterday when I tried to get the latest set of R3 Proms files 
> > it failed for the items that started with the pids that begin with 'm'.

> The first prom with an m prefix seems to be Prom 52, m00006pc.  I have 
> just tried to download it with get_iplayer 3.17 using hafhigh and 
> dafhigh. There did not appear to be any problem, although I did not run 
> the downloads to completion.  The default modes were hafhigh1 and 
> dafhigh1, both of which used the Limelight CDN.

I just tried hafhigh1 to get last night's Prom. Again this gave me the 500
error, but completed OK regardless. Given what you wrote about CDNs I
noticed that the progress line showed "(hafhigh1/ak) after the ETA. I don't
know what the "ak" means there but it made me wonder if I was still getting
contact with Akamai?

FWIW The error gets reported before the download commences.

I'll try other mode specs when I get a chance and see if I can vary the



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