On 26/01/2019 09:30, ipla...@nutwood.net wrote:
I have been using get GiP on Windows for several years. I am now changing to running it on a Raspberry Pi, in spite my minimal understanding of Linux.

All is well so far, everything is working as expected via the cli and I have successfully copied my data across to allow a seamless changeover.

I have now hit a simple obstacle which should have been sorted within a few minutes' reading of the documentation - how do I run the Web PVR? I have found multiple options on the web, none of which I can get to work.

Suggestions welcomed with thanks.

Hi, just seen your post and the subsequent thread.

What I don't know is what are the benefits of using the Web PVR? Am I missing something. Been using GiP on linux for many years and never knew Web version existed. Thought it was something only windoze users used!

Hope you get on with RPi. A truly great tool with excellent support so good luck with the Web PVR.

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