On 2019-03-16 12:42, Jim web wrote:
I've recently found an 'archive' page at


which also links to old pages on each item it lists.

My usual way of fetching items is to hover the mouse over a player window or link, or look at the programme's address to see the pid. Then give the
pid to gip. But these items don't seem to show any pid either way.

So am I missing something here, and how can I fetch the items I'd like from these pages? I have some of the video examples from a later 'collections' page, but am curious about the radio examples, etc. (Prompted by some Tv
programmes on 'Hornby' :-) )

It's not clear from what you wrote if any of the links on that page lead to some place where the pid approach does work, so I looked at one link picked
at random:


In the source of that page, where the embedded Flash video would be (I think)
there is some Javascript:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 var emp = new bbc.Emp();

I edited the page URL


according to the playlist variable to produce


and fetched it.  It contains

 <media kind="video" width="384" height="288" type="video/x-flv">
   <connection kind="akamai" identifier="archive/white/OAT_BBC_7312"
     server="cp47317.edgefcs.net" tokenIssuer="akamaiUk"/>

which basically means, I think, that the Flash source is stored on
that specific akamai server.  I'd assume that fetching it requires
one to direct the fetch request to that server - which might be
possible using a specially crafted URL...

Using firefox, I enabled Flash and reloaded the page with the
Tools - Web Developer - 'Web Console' open; when I clicked on
the 'play' button, firefox issued


I don't know if, say, cURL or wget would fetch the file for you if
you used a URL like that.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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