On Monday, December 30, 2019 12:01 PM, "Amro Bilal" <i...@amrobilal.net> wrote:
> get_iplayer --get (--URL” followed by the full URL of the page with
> the audiodescribed version on it (After the PID, the URL shows “/AD/)
> And down comes the version without audiodescription, even though I
> know the described edition exists?"

For this scenario, the /ad suffix in the URL does not matter one bit. What GiP 
then does, if memory serves, is extracts the PID and VPID for the given URL, 
but as they did not indicate  --versions=audiodescribed, they'll get the 
default version. In short, whether or not the URL is for the AD version, GiP 
only respects the "versions" option and not what the URL indicates.


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