The file target in ggi-devel-000103 invariably segfaults
if you ask the file target to write a ppm file rather
than a raw file (can send more debugging info if you need
it). Works fine in 2.0b2.1. The file target code is the
same, so must be somewhere else.
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-stubs"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x80a3688
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x808db50, 0x808edcc) called
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-color"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x80a3a38
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x808db50, 0x808ee34) called
LibGGI: Disposing "file"
LibGGI: display-file: going down.
LibGGI: display-file: GGIresetmode(0x808db50)



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