I think a libGGI-GUI would be a neat idea, a library that can handle (in
very flexible, skinnable, themeable way) the RENDERING (not management)
of widgets (eg. buttons, text fields, etc) it would be /really/ simple,
it basically only needs to draw rectangles (optionally with the sides
and corners as masked pixmaps), and with colourable and pixmappable

then any GUI toolkit could be built on top of this, and the theme of any
app built with any toolkit would be consistent with all the other apps
in use, as well as easy to change, even on a per-window basis.

A skin-management library could also be incorporated, with an interface
for apps to choose "skins", or for the user to defeat this and apply
their own skin.

Also, I think (if it doesnt already) libGGI2d should support all of its
drawing types in antialiased variants as well.

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