On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Andreas Beck wrote:

> >     I have argued in the past for a more formal separation of LibGII
> > from LibGGI.  This would decouple the event queues from ggi_visual(s).
> Actually they are separated. LibGII provides all event functionality.
> All that LibGGI does is automatically locate and load the approriate
> "default" event sources for a given target.
> After that you are free to do anything to them. Close them down (o.k. -
> that's not strictly supported, but could be added easily, if required) join
> more inputs, ...

Okay.  Can someone -please- fold the event sources in fb/... out into GII?
or something?

Or suggest a target with the same event sources so I could dynamically
start FB/X/... if I needed graphics?

Thanks for any help, eh? :)
         - Teunis

PS: no I'm not clueless.  There's just some system's I've never really
been all that strong at.  Such as GGI's graphic driver programming.  And
CORBA as I haven't read the docs yet.

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