> Hello, Marcus.
> I have a question about XGGI and LibGGI. Could you or somebody else answer
> it please?

> display fb-dev: Couldn't open framebuffer device /dev/fb/0: Not a directory

Ok, so you don't have any framebuffer drivers loaded.

> LibGG: unable to open lib: /usr/local/lib/ggi/display/svgalib.so: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory

And you didn't have SVGAlib installed when you compiled LibGGI.

> LibGG: unable to open lib: /usr/local/lib/ggi/display/aa.so: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory

And neither AAlib. However neither SVGAlib or AAlib will help you
here, so the last two messages are nothing to worry about.

> What did i do wrong? Which target (or driver) should I use for S3 Virge/DX
> with XGGI? Please help me.

You'll need an fbdev driver for S3 Virge that supports multihead.
There is a Virge driver in KGIcon (KGIcon is included in GGI snapshots),
but I don't know if it supports multihead, or how well it works.
Hopefully someone on the GGI list can answer this.

There is also a regular fbdev driver available from:
but the author claims it doesn't work yet.

Currently the best bet for multihead with LibGGI is to use Matrox
cards and matroxfb, as that's what I have.

        Marcus Sundberg        | http://www.stacken.kth.se/~mackan
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 452062
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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