On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Fabio Alemagna wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Jos Hulzink wrote:
> Why should you backup the whole gfx board's memory? Isn't there any way to
> back up only the area actually used by the application?
> You know, Amigas deal with full screen graphics and swappable screens
> perfectly since they're born, even with gfx cards.

Good old Amiga... yes you can, but as you see memory is really growing too
fast. Say I run Unreal Tournament 2003 on both console 1 and 2. I run
1280x1024 true colour with 32 bit Z buffer, the rest of the memory is
filled with textures, and if I had 64 MB instead of 32, it would have
filled those too. UT 2003 isn't that small itself, so it takes 64 MB of
main memory already. What should I do when I switch console ? Out of
memory error: you are not allowed to swich console untill you quit this
program ? Swap Unreal to disk ?

I wanna bet Amigas didn't save the framebuffer unless the amount of memory
needed was much smaller than the amount of memory available.

Besides, the software mapped to the background will still consume cpu
power needed for the foreground task, and it only helps applications that
use unaccellerated framebuffer access. Other apps will be blocked
immediately by the accellerator. Think about the amount of software that
will be.

Best regards, Jos

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