Travis has whitelisted hvr/ppa ghc-7.10.3 package. Please update your
travis build matrices!

Let’s make travis do its job!


> On 02 Nov 2015, at 18:03, Ben Gamari <> wrote:
> We are pleased to announce the first (and hopefully only) release
> candidate for GHC 7.10.3:
> This includes the source tarball and bindists for 64-bit and 32-bit
> modern Linux (GMP 5.0 or later) and Windows. These binaries and tarballs
> have an accompanying SHA256SUMS file signed by my GPG key id
> (0x97DB64AD). As always, our content delivery network tends to be a bit
> slow on the uptake. If you see an empty directory at this URL just add a
> few superfluous slashes to the end; this is typically enough to fool it.
> The 7.10.2 release was well-behaved save a couple notable bugs; while we
> have merged a good number of bug fixes in 7.10.3 they were were
> largely low risk and so we expect that this release should be
> similiarly stable.
> The one exception to this is an upgrade of the Windows compiler
> toolchain to GCC 5.2. Windows users have been long suffering at the hand
> of our old toolchain (e.g. lack of response file support, #8596, and
> lack of SEH support) so we expect that this change should fix far more
> than breaks.
> We plan to make the 7.10.3 release sometime next week.
> Please test this as much as possible; bugs are much cheaper if we find
> them before the release and this will ideally be the last release of the
> 7.10 series.
> Happy testing,
> - Ben
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