> I'm joining this conversation late, but I favor TypeFamilyDependencies over
> InjectiveTypeFamilies. We use the annotations for things other than
> injectivity! For example,
> > type family Plus a b = r | r a -> b, r b -> a
> is not injective under any common understanding of the word.
But that is not implemented yet and thus will not make it into GHC 8.0. 
Following earlier 
argumentation, once we have generalized injectivity we should put it into a 
separate extension. 
So I'd say we stick with InjectiveTypeFamilies for currently implemented 
features and put the new 
ones in TypeFamilyDependencies.

That said, I don't like the idea that every addition to a language extension 
means creating a 
separate language extension.


Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology

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