On 18 Aug 2016, at 06:34, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

> Not a native (British) English speaker, but I've consumed a *lot* of UK
> media over the last ~25-30 years and I can literally only recall having
> heard "bespoke" used *once* and that was in the term "bespoke suit"
> where you can sort-of guess its meaning from context. I believe this is
> also the only context in which it's actually really used in British
> English. (However, I'll let the native (British) English speakers chime
> in on that.)

"Bespoke" is a reasonably common British English word, used in all of the 
following phrases:

bespoke software
bespoke solution
bespoke furniture
bespoke kitchen
bespoke tailoring

The meaning is "specially and individually made for this client".  The opposite 
of standard, off-the-shelf, pre-packaged.  It implies the outcome was not 
automatable, even if the individual pieces being assembled were machine-cut.

"In the U.S., bespoke software is often called custom or custom-designed 
software." http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/bespoke


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