
Thanks for the in-depth elaboration of what Mathew/Simon were
describing! It seems within reach!

> Of course, in the case that you have a concrete dictionary you *also*
> want to know the source location of the instance declaration from which
> it arose. I'm afraid this may be quite challenging as this isn't
> information we currently keep. Currently interface files don't really
> keep any information that might be useful to IDE tooling users. It's
> possible that we could add such information, although it's unclear
> exactly what this would look like. It would be great to hear more from
> tooling users regarding what information they would like to see.

Indeed, not having the exact source location was a stretch, I didn't
have high hopes for that. However, the package and module is actually
useful. Regarding that, I did find the following field:

    -- | @is_dfun_name = idName . is_dfun@.
    -- We use 'is_dfun_name' for the visibility check,
    -- 'instIsVisible', which needs to know the 'Module' which the
    -- dictionary is defined in. However, we cannot use the 'Module'
    -- attached to 'is_dfun' since doing so would mean we would
    -- potentially pull in an entire interface file unnecessarily.
    -- This was the cause of #12367.
    , is_dfun_name :: Name

So it seems like I could use the Name to get a Module which contains a
UnitId (package and version) and ModuleName. If I've already generated
the right metadata for that package and module, then I can do the

> Also relevant here is the HIE file GSoC project [1] being worked on this
> summer of Zubin Duggal (CC'd).

I think this would be a good use-case for that.

> > Also, listing all functions that use throw# or functions defined in
> > terms of throw# or FFI calls would be helpful, especially for doing
> > audits. If I could immediately list all partial functions in a
> > project, then list all call-sites, it would be a very convenient way
> > when doing an audit to see whether partial functions (such as head)
> > are used with the proper preconditions or not.
> This may be non-trivial; you may be able to get something along these
> lines out of the strictness signature present in IdInfo. However, I
> suspect this will be a bit fragile (e.g. we don't even run demand
> analysis with -O0 IIRC).

I was going to start with a very naive approach of creating a dependency
graph merely based on presence in a declaration, not on use. E.g.

    foo = if False then head [] else 123

would still be flagged up as partial, even though upon inspection it
isn't. But it uses `head`, so it should arouse suspicion. I'd want to
review it myself and determine that it's safe and then mark it safe. In
the least, I might mark such code as having potential for bugs.

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