On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:04 AM, Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

> Hi,
> I am simulating some code involving reals.
> When I use ghdl and dump the data to ghw and inspect with gtkwave, the
> adc_real(i) values get updated twice and then never more.
> When simulating with modelsim, I see that the same code result in
> adc_real values being updated with one clock cycle latency as
> expected.
> The integer values are updated as expected.
> What could cause reals not to be updated?
>    g_dc_offset : for i in 1 to 4 generate
>        p_calc : process (clk) is
>        begin
>            if rising_edge(clk) then
>                adc_integer(i).I <=  to_integer(signed(datain(i).I));
>                adc_integer(i).Q <=  to_integer(signed(datain(i).Q));
>                --adc_real(i).I <=  real(to_integer(signed(datain(i).I)));
>                --adc_real(i).Q <=  real(to_integer(signed(datain(i).Q)));
>                adc_real(i).I <=  real(adc_integer(i).I);
>                adc_real(i).Q <=  real(adc_integer(i).Q);
>            end if;
>        end process;
>    end generate;

There's an incomplete picture presented by your concurrent generate statement 
by itself. There may not necessarily be enough to reproduce your bug without 
extensive work.

Please provide the type and subtype declarations that go with these signals, 
values you know aren't getting converted would help as well as the results 
(expected and actual).  Historically Tristan has preferred a 'reproducer' a 
small standalone model that demonstrates a bug.  I'd suspect something is 
getting type confused due to using record elements.  Determining that would 
require knowing type and subtype declarations. If your sequential signal 
assignments in  for the adc_integer are working that they are for adc_real 
assignments too.  The model would then be giving you the same wrong result.

I checked and ghdl uses 64 bit values for Universal Integers and Reals, so 
conversion running into truncation based on mantissa accuracy would involve big 
integers or type confusion. Type conversion is supposed to work between any 
abstract numerical types and presenting a value out of range for the target is 
supposed to generate an error.

The generate statement contains a process, so during elaboration you'll get 
four block statements each with a process statement with static expressions 
replacing i.    The signal assignment statements in each process statement are 
sequential and you derive the input to the real I and Q registers from the 
first saved integer I and Q registers (as shown with the commented lines).  If 
your integer registers show value changes then it's not a model execution 
problem.  There's an implicit 'wait on clk;' after the end if end statement in 
each process statement.

I take it the generate statement contains the only drivers for adc_real(i).I 
and adc_real(i).Q?

The preferred error reporting mechanism is through the Gna site as provided by 
the Report a bug link on ghdl.free.fr. Unfortunately you'll find that a Gna 
login is required to log a bug but it does give the developer(s) a way to 
contact you as well as the ability to upload a substantial amount of 
information you may have accumulated on a bug (like a reproducer).

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