2011/9/5 Ofnuts <ofn...@laposte.net>:
> On 09/05/2011 07:57 PM, Martin Nordholts wrote:
>> If we look at what programming languages that are popular [1], we can
>> see that the vast majority of languages in use today have a syntax
>> where 1 + 1 is written "1 + 1" and not "(+ 1 1)". If we want to have a
>> main scripting language that as many as possible can use with as
>> little effort as possible, Scheme is simply not an alternative. For
>> most programmers, Scheme is an odd language. In the long term I think
>> it is inevitable that we need to replace Scheme with something that
>> has a syntax that is more mainstream.
> I wholeheartedly agree with that.
>> However, doing the switch is a huge task and we have other things that
>> are more important to work on, so I don't see this happening any time
>> soon.
> Haven't we got a quite nice Python interface already?

Yes we do, which is nice, but Scheme still has higher status. In
particular, the format of gimprc files etc are Scheme-ish, and the
default batch interpreter is Script-Fu.

 / Martin


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