dissenting opinion is usually best left to wander off of its own lack of
purpose.  and he hasn't posted anything bad in a couple of weeks whats the
problem?  i figured it was just pre-finals stress.

it's been my experience that last year's whining screaming can quite often
be next years' thoughtful contribution.  he definitely cares about the
design, enough to get upset and scream about it.  maybe he has to learn
some things, but if you want a nice quiet list full of nice quiet
agreement that sounds more like a support group.  

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Rebecca J. Walter wrote:

> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 12:24:45 +0100
> From: Rebecca J. Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ban request
> i would like to request that timecop be banned from this list.
> is that possible? if so, would someone please do that?  he obviously
> fails to appreciate the quality program the developers have made
> available to us and his constant cursing and complaining is a waste of
> band width.
> thank you.
> bex

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