On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Sam Bagot wrote:

> The name Gimp [...] suggests inferiority to Photoshop.

Yes, some people tend to overthink :)

> In my experience, institutions would much rather
> pay for a professional product than teach a class to children involving
> gimps.

In my experience, institutions are all different. Some will refuse to
use GIMP, some will rename desktop icon or even patch out the
"offensive" name through out GUI, and many others will use it as-is.

>  A product called Gimp can't be used by a public or private school.

It can, it has been, and it will be.

> What are the plans on renaming and success?

None whatsoever.

Personally, I have no particularly bad feelings (as if they mattered)
about renaming the app, but I've spent probably a week reading threads
on this "GIMP is a horrible name" topic by now, with maybe a hundred
new name suggestions, and I've yet to see one, just one sensible name
replacement that wouldn't look like IT people trying to be funny.

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