On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Michael Schumacher <schum...@gmx.de>

> GIMP developers use Debian Testing, with the assumption that is anything
> is present there, then a GIMP build can require it.
> A build based on Debian Jessie, currently aka Debian Stable, will divert
> from that over time, and might not even contain some of the required
> dependencies. Due to the recent release of Jessie, this is not very
> noticeable yet.
> A moving target like Debian Testing is probably a less than optimal
> building block for a vagrant-based approach.

I'm aware the core devs use Debian testing.  I would have used Debian
testing but currently there's no Debian testing in any of the tooling like
Vagrant [1] and Docker [2].  However, as time progresses, and new Debian
versions come out, the development tooling can to be updated to newer
Debian versions before any anticipated or noticeable divergence occurs.

If a divergence becomes a regular problem then perhaps it would be more
useful to fall back on developing in a more stable platform.  Though, since
that isn't currently an issue it's just a thought.

[1]: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/debian/
[2]: https://hub.docker.com/_/debian/

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