Hi Shlomi! Thanks for weighing in, and for sharing your motivations.
Also thanks for your past contributions and I too hope you can once again
find time to contribute to GIMP in the future.
I found your articles quite informative, and I like your comment about the
Tinfoil hat (What Linus said about SHA1 security was quite amusing).



On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:

> Hi C R!
> (or in the spirit of Talk Like a Pirate Day - "High Sea, arrrrrrrrrrr!".)
> On Fri, 23 Sep 2016 12:19:54 +0100
> C R <caj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I run a London Linux Meet, where a bunch of Linux and open source folks
> > have drinks and discuss Linux, and free software.
> >
> > At the last meet I was showing off GIMP, as I often do when asked "what
> do
> > you do?" There's the usual ooohing and ahhing as I show what GIMP allows
> me
> > to do easily as a designer.
> >
> > This time, I got a strange comment from a new visitor to our group. He
> said
> > "GIMP development? What's the point of that?" in a rather sarcastic tone.
> >
> > In such cases I have to push down my annoyance with the tone and answer
> the
> > question properly, because I know such comments usually come from one of
> > two places:
> >
> > a) User has tried GIMP, but didn't take time to learn enough to get past
> > things that aren't obvious.
> > b) User has heard that GIMP is hard to use, and is not an adequate tool
> for
> > professionals.
> >
> > Both of these point of views are skewed, but I find all it takes is a
> short
> > walk-through and sometimes question answering about how to do what they
> > want. Most people just want a show, though. Someone to prove to them that
> > their preconceptions of GIMP are incorrect, or at least incomplete.
> >
> > In this case, I opted to give the fireworks/show. My weapons of choice
> this
> > time included the unified transform tool, the handle-transform tool, and
> > the warp transform tool-
> > "Without development, we (designers/users) would not have these new
> > features, which will be released in the next version, and are available
> now
> > via the gimp-edge repo."
> >
> > I love the change in expression. You can SEE the change from the
> sceptical
> > arm-foldedness, to hands-on hips, or chin-scratching that indicated not
> > only a change in perspective, but also imagining the possibilities.
> >
> > "Without dedicated people constantly working to improve GIMP, we would
> not
> > have any of this, and nothing to look forward to. It's an incredible
> gift,
> > and allows us to work with complete freedom. It's there for the taking,
> for
> > the enjoyment of everyone. All one has to do is reach for it with
> patience
> > that is necessary for learning (any) complex and extremely powerful
> > graphics application."
> >
> > I just wanted to again say thanks, and relay that even on days where it
> > seems no one has anything good to say about GIMP, you've got fans who
> > genuinely appreciate the work you do, and believe in what GIMP is, and
> > enjoy what it will become in the future with your tremendous efforts.
> >
> > You're presently causing ooohs and ahhhs, in London. :)
> >
> > The question: "What's the point?" is a curious one.
> > As a developer in the project, what are your reasons for working on GIMP?
> > What are your motivations? What do you enjoy most about it?
> >
> Well, it's been a while since I've intensively worked on GIMP, but I'll
> give it
> a shot. First of all, I'd like to answer the question why I am a proponent
> of
> FOSS. I find a lot of open source software cool and useful and in addition
> I
> had a bad experience with a certain proprietary software app (BitKeeper)
> that
> ended up becoming unavailable to me, and as a result decided to try to
> avoid
> proprietary software in the future as much as possible. I've written about
> it
> here -
> https://www.reddit.com/r/opensource/comments/261w6v/why_i_
> do_not_trust_nonfoss_and_why_you_shouldnt/ .
> Since I like and prefer FOSS, and am a capable software developer
> (including in
> programming) I like to spend my time to improve it or otherwise promote it,
> in order to make it better and more popular. I covered my motivation and
> mentality in this post -
> http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il/msg56378.html
> .
> Now naturally, I found some benefits in contributing to GIMP and other open
> source projects: enhancing my skills as a software dev, getting code
> review,
> acquiring some peer repute and recognition, enhancing existing code, having
> fun, interacting with fellow developers, etc.
> One fact that I feel had held GIMP back is the fact that the more core
> developers replied in a relatively rude and unfriendly manner to many
> people
> (and potential contributors) who asked questions or otherwise contacted us
> on
> the mailing lists. Someone pointed that out to me in private and I
> eventually made a public post pointing this out, but by then many potential
> contributors were driven away. Since then it seems that the situation has
> greatly improved.
> Anyway, I contributed to GIMP because it's a useful open source project
> which I
> find of utility, and am not aware of a superior FOSS alternative. I hope I
> can
> dedicate some time in the future to contribute some more, and encourage
> other
> software developers (not necessarily programmers) to contribute to it as
> well.
> Regards,
>         Shlomi Fish
> > -C
> > _______________________________________________
> > gimp-developer-list mailing list
> > List address:    gimp-developer-list@gnome.org
> > List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman
> /listinfo/gimp-developer-list
> > List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-developer-list
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Google-Discontinues-Services/
> He who reinvents the wheel, will understand much better how a wheel works.
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .
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