As a designer who uses the latest development builds of GIMP every day in
production, and also the latest Krita, I can confirm there is no such code
in GIMP, nor in the 9 or so years in which I have used GIMP have I
encountered any of the issues described. I've always gotten GIMP from and from official development repositories. Do be careful where
you get your GIMP!


On Tue, 24 Apr 2018, 23:04 Simon Budig, <> wrote:

> Hi Andrew.
> Andrew Keene ( wrote:
> > Are you aware of any hacktivists involved with your development who
> > might use Denial of Service attacks against open source competitors?
> > You software is pretty good for a free open source image editing
> > program, but I have on several instances had the following experience:
> >
> >   1.  Sometimes, after installing GIMP, my system acts as if it has
> >   been hacked and I have to reinstall everything.
> >   2.  On several instances, I have found that sites like
> >   become unavailable when I attempt to download their software.
> >
> > Is it possible that some worthless, petty piece of shit is
> > manipulating your very generous contribution to the world to further
> > an agenda of sociopathy? Do you thoroughly vet contributors for their
> > totalitarian goals?
> We are unaware of any activity in this direction and we are certain that
> the binaries distributed by us ( don't contain anything that
> targets competitor products.
> That having said we have seen instances where gimp downloads from other
> sites were tainted with code not approved by us, hampering the user
> experience of the victim. If you've downloaded Gimp from any source and
> find it containing stuff you think that shouldn't be there, then we'd
> like to know about this including the site you've downloaded GIMP from,
> so that we can actually issue a specific warning.
> And for the records: we - speaking for the gimp development team here -
> are perfectly happy with people choosing their tool according to their
> tastes, we're perfectly fine if someone prefers Photoshop, Krita or
> anything else over GIMP.
> Bye,
>         Simon
> --
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