On 06/30/18 02:24, Liam R E Quin wrote:
On Fri, 2018-06-29 at 23:35 +0000, 1980_undergro...@insiberia.net
My question is, is there a way to prevent GIMP from reading system
fonts, and to only read fonts from it's own folder?
Which Linux distribution are you using? Or, what operating system?
Which GIMP version exactly?

My problem is that no matter what options I use in the Font Manager,
system fonts are *always* shown.
On Linux at least you can a fonts.conf file in your gimp data dir or
fonts folder that excludes specific fonts. This probably also works on
MacOS and Windows but i don't know for sure.

In other words exactly how best to do this may depend on your operating
system and in some cases, where you downloaded gimp from (i.e. which
exact build).

AFAIK the font.conf also works on Windows, but its exact location eludes me.
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