Juhana Sadeharju ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> But maybe they are not that easy to code? Adding a vector layer to
> the images should be easy if the image object is good, but the vector
> manipulations can be difficult. Typically each plugin has its own
> kludge way to manipulate vector objects (selection tools, crop tool, etc).
> The selection tool vector drawing and the crop tool vector drawing
> are not visible in other views of the same image because the framework
> is kludge.
> What we need is a good old vertex/edge/polygon framework. We don't
> have even the simplest systems developed at 1960s. Check out
>   ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/audio/devel/constraints/sketchpad.pdf
> what I mean.

The Link you gave does not work.

> I'm figuring out what kind of framework would be ok. Anyone
> would like to help?

Why isn't this discussed on gimp-devel?

In fact there is a vector based infrastructure and I also believe that
it is quite flexible. Simply fiddle a bit with the Path tool to get an
idea how this works.

Yes, it is not integrated in all the places where it should be, but it
definitely is there and it definitely is quite flexible (although I am
biased about that).

Maybe you should look at the code before drawing conclusions like "the
framework is kludge". I've put quite a lot of work into that stuff and
I'd like to see at least some reasons *why* it supposedly is a cludge.

              [EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://simon.budig.de/
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