From: Roger Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 22:34:52 +0100

   Hash: SHA1

   Robert L Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   >    From: Roger Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >    Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:58:14 +0100
   [snip libgutenprintui2 horribleness]
   >    I wanted to do this, but the fact that we have to support both
   >    GTK+-1.2 (for Cinepaint) and GTK+-2.0 (for Gimp) versions of the
   >    codebase caused serious problems keeping the two versions in sync.
   >    It also meant that the 2.0 version was basically restricted to
   >    using the 1.2 era features, otherwise syncing changes would become
   >    impossible.  All I could do was a minimal conversion from 1.2 to
   >    2.0.
   > I don't see why we necessarily have to keep the capabilities of the
   > two in sync.  The 1.2 plugin already supports all of the 5.0
   > capabilities, and keeping them in sync doesn't really reduce the
   > testing burden.  It might be a bit late to do it now, but if you want
   > to get started, go ahead.

   I don't want to break anything so near to release, so I'd like to do
   this on a branch, and then we can merge things back to 5.0.x, or to
   the new mainline depending on what happens.

   Would that be OK?

If you want.  I'd rather make changes before 5.0.0 than in a 5.0.x
release, though.

Robert Krawitz                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
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