Hello everyone,

I recently finished an implementation of the healing brush.  A patch implementing the brush is given at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109801#c11 but does not contain the icon and cursor that I created for the tool.

I have also posted some screen shots of the results of the tool at: http://picasaweb.google.com/kevin.sookocheff/HealingBrushExamples
I just tried the brush on some example images I found on the web.

At this point there are a few things I'd like to do, but I'm not sure how to go about doing them.


(1) Allow the source healing point to be taken from a separate image.  I tried implementing this by referencing the clone tool implementation, but got stuck on it.  At this point I want to get the tool into CVS and get some feedback, so I'll work on this incrementally from here.

(2) The brush does not work for indexed images.  I'm not sure how to fix this, but I haven't given it too much thought at this point.

(3) Further integration as a GIMP tool.  There are a lot of points in the code where the new tool should be integrated ( i.e., app/gimpcore.def).  I tried to do some of these things myself but quickly got overwhelmed, and was a bit worried that I would inadvertetently break something.  If someone could guide me through these steps that would be great.

So, I'd like to get this tool checked into CVS, but first I'm asking permission to do that :)  I have commit access to CVS so if someone gives the go-ahead, please guide me in how to make a branch and commit the code.

I hope that everyone likes the tool and is able to test it out for me.

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