On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 03:35:03AM +0100, Claus Cyrny wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> Sven Neumann wrote:
> > [ ... ]
> > I don't think however that the gfig plug-in has
> > anything to do with this.
> It does insofar, as it binds unnecessary develop-
> er resources. I have been using the Gimp now for
> several years, but I'm beginning to ask myself where
> the priorities for the developers are. Wouldn't, say,
> 16-/32-bit be more important than a small vector
> graphics program that is so difficult to handle?
> Of course there's no direct connection between
> 'gfig' and the text tool; it's just a matter on how to
> spend developer resources.

You assumption that significant developer resources go into maintaining
gfig is simply false. That's why everyone else is confused.

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