
On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 10:41 +0200, Roman Joost wrote:

> I was about going through the pointers we added to the interesting
> topics of the manual. Those links like "Basic Concepts" were added to
> the menu to help users reading about things they might need to start
> when using GIMP.

Long term we would rather like to get rid of this menu entirely. IMO it
would be much better if we included links to the user manual in the GIMP
tips. We have some plans for GIMP 2.8 to improve the tips system and to
put it into a more prominent location (the empty image window).

> The manual has a few more interesting topics where I'd like to add links
> to. So I've two questions:
>     Since it's a script-fu script, I'd like to know if that is going to
>     be migrated to an XML menu file?

It's a script because that was the simplest solution. Making it an XML
file would require writing a plug-in that parses this file and installs
the menu items.

>     Unfortunately the menu is ordered alphabetically, which for the
>     translated version looks kind of messed up. At first putting numbers
>     in front on the menu entries came to my mind, which seems like a
>     bad workaround on another thought. Is it possible to have some kind
>     of ordering. Though probably problematic if it should stay the same
>     with all the translations of the menu.

Plug-in menu entries are sorted alphabetically and plug-ins can't do
anything about that ordering. Why does this look messed up for
translated versions?


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