i work in education and, during my activities with the kids, they ask me
questions about working with images in GIMP.
so, my idea is writing a book which helps them use the program. this book
would be only for educational purposes, because there are not many students
here in Romania who can afford some more expensive alternatives to GIMP, but
their talent and possibilities in obtaining excellent results in image
manipulation are questionless.
i know that GIMP is a GNU program, but i have some questions about using the
GIMP trademark (including name of the program, names of menus or different
procedures etc).
i am concerned about the copyright and about the possible fees which i might
owe to the GIMP team and developpers.
i hope you can give me more info about this, or about the legal procedures
to be followed in my situation.
hope to hear from you soon.
best regards,
Gimp-developer mailing list

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