
I'm seeing the first commit to soc-2009-* branches. According to 
http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gimp/, two branches have been added already, and at 
least one other is in preparation.

However, please make your commit messages meaningful. I've seen some commits 
that do only use a rather obscure version number. 

The commit messages should use a format like


[tag] Short explanation of the commit

Longer explanation explaining exactly what's changed, whether any
external or private interfaces changed, what bugs were fixed (with bug
tracker reference if applicable) and so forth. Be concise but not too brief.


Talk to your mentors about the optional tags, they might want you to use 
special ones depending on what the commit covers.

See also http://live.gnome.org/Git/CommitMessages

P.S. Keep in mind that midterm sruveys do start next week.

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