On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Akkana Peck <akk...@shallowsky.com> wrote:
> Luiz Felipe Moraes Pereira writes:
>> Also I do not mind much about not having a selected layer after
>> the deletion of a layer. But the forced viewer scroll down( or up ),
>> depending of the last selected layer is a problem.
> This used to annoy me a lot, because I frequently want to delete,
> say, the top 5 layers. But once I figured out what it was doing,
> I developed a habit of clicking on the layers I want to delete in
> sequence before deleting. For instance, click on the 5th layer from
> the top, then the 4th, and so on until I get to the top; then click
> Delete 5 times. It sounds tedious but it doesn't take long at all --
> certainly it's a lot faster than scrolling back up each time.
> Try it -- you may find that it solves the problem.

yes, I do that as well.

The new Layer Groups feature in 2.7 will ease this and several other
workflows a whole lot.
(For example, probably all the layers you are deleting, if more than
one, would not be themselves part of the same group - you just have to
delete the group)


>        ...Akkana
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