
Perhaps a similar message to Human Touch, Inc. is appropriate.  They
neither distribute the source or even mention that GPL code is used.

Of course, it's for plugins and the plugin authors would need to be
involved - which for those plugins are Spencer, Peter, & co.


On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 08:18:47PM -0500, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:40:21 +1000, Total Software 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >At 02:07 PM 4/10/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> >>Do you include the source to the Gimp with this CD?
> >No the source code is not included.
> You are hereby requested and required to cease all distribution of
> this product.  Failure to comply may result in substantial civil
> penalties for copyright infringement.
> I am a co-owner of the copyright in the Gimp.  The GPL, which is the
> license which you are required to comply with if you wish to
> distribute the Gimp, requires that you distribute the source along with
> it.
> Please immediately reply indicating that you intend to comply with the 
> license.  Failure to comply may result in legal action being taken
> against you.
> Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
> Kelly Martin
Shawn T. Amundson                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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