Claude Paroz skreiv:
> Le mardi 23 mars 2010 à 13:19 +0100, Kolbjørn Stuestøl a écrit :
>> Invalid .doap fil?
>> Finally I get through, resulting in another problem ;-)
>> "git push" results in this return message:
>>         $ git push
>>         Counting objects: 848, done.
>>         Compressing objects: 100% (435/435), done.
>>         Writing objects: 100% (486/486), 219.00 KiB | 13 KiB/s, done.
>>         Total 486 (delta 255), reused 4 (delta 0)
>>         ---
>>         ERROR: gimp-help-2.doap is not valid:
>>            Invalid foaf:mbox property should be a mailto: URL
>>         Please see:
>>         ---
>>         To ssh://
>>          ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
>>         error: failed to push some refs to
>>         'ssh://'
>> I have not changed the .doap file. Compared the gimp-help-2.doap to the 
>> one on the web site mentioned and found of course no difference in the 
>> setup. I do not believe the error is in the .doap file as others 
>> obviously are using it without problem and I have not changed it.
>> The steps before the "git push":
>>     *** Validating XML (nn) ...
>>     nn: no errors.
>>     $ git add .
> Never, never do that. 
Never do what? Change the .doap file or whatever?
> You might have untracked files (generated by some
> operation) or files automatically changed for any reason (e.g. you host
> files on a FAT32 partition). 'git status' will tell you about that.
> Then 'git add' selected files that you purposely changed.
> HTH,
> Claude
I have run the "git status" but omitted it in the listing above because 
I do not understand what it tells me. I obviously have to study the git 
sites a bit more.  The last thing I did before "git push" was as listed. 
("git add ." ---  "git status" --- "git commit").
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