On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 19:18:05 +0530, <giuliogiuseppeca...@interfree.it> wrote:

Hello everyone,

i have a problem trying to remove/adding vignetting with Gimp 2.6.8 and .11.

I have seen there is a nice tool in Filters-Distorts-Lens distorsion.

But if i move only the brighten slider, nothing happens. It works only if i move also the main slider (and in most images, for example portraits, i won't need to touch it).

Is it the intended behaviour or i'm missing something (for example another tool that only removes vignetting and shows a preview)?

Thank you in advance.

not sure what type of vignette you're talking about, but to apply one as i used to wile enlarging & developing prints the old way (optically & chemically), i just select an ellipse from upper left to lower right corner, invert the selection, and feather it according to image size. this allows me to either lighten or darken the corner areas, subtly focusing attention on the middle region.

if that's the type of vignette you're looking for, i don't think any tool can do that better than the plain ellipse selection tool.

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