On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Alyn McConnaha <alyn1...@mymetronet.net>wrote:

> Please give me some simple, quick help with fixing a flower pic with a
> small white dot in the center of the flower. I am NOT a skilled computer
> geek. I am planning to enter this rose pic in competition a member of Ugly
> Hedge Hog said GIMP could do repairs.
> <email redacted>

Hi Alyn,
It is not customary to publish your email address in the mailing list
requesting help off list.  We can all easily see your email in the email
headers of your message.  I recommend you upload the image to a sharing
site (or your own hosting) asking for how you can do what you ask.  I'll
help you along the way and show you what tools will do what you ask but I
won't do it outright for you.  Since it is a pic to be entered in a
competition you should really do the work yourself after consulting with us
on how to accomplish what you ask.

You should start by checking out the clone tool and the healing tool.  Here
are links to the documentation for learning their use.



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