Am 24.11.2013 18:26, schrieb Carusoswi:
> So, I have installed/uninstalled Gimp 2.9, it's not working.  Would like to
> re-install Gimp 2.8, but forget how to do that.  I've been using the software
> center.
> At any rate, whichever version I now have installed throws up the following
> message when I start the application:
> GEGL Operation Missing 
> Gimp requires the GEGL Operation Gegl-Seamless-Clone
> Check your GEGL install and insure it has been compiled with any dependencies
> required for Gimp.
> . . . well, I am at a loss as to how to go about this.
> Any advice would be welcome.
> Thanks.
> Caruso
Open a terminal:
sudo ppa-purge ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp-edge

In case of problems:


Otto from kesselgulasch

Lao-Tse sagt: Nichtstun ist besser, als mit viel Mühe nichts zu schaffen.

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