I am curious as to what the relationship between GIMP and an Internet connection
is. Yesterday afternoon my Internet connection went down and stayed down for 4
hours. During this time GIMP slowed down dramatically: startup was much much
slower, opening of images was dramatically slower, some of the filters (both
G'MIC and internal to GIMP) took forever to complete etc. Once the Internet
connection was restored all went back to normal! This morning GIMP opens
rapidly, loads images speedily, and the filters are not struggling. I lost touch
of the restarts I did yesterday, both warm and cold, thinking something had gone
wrong because I was working on a massive poster. As it turns out it was our
National Broadband Network that hiccuped badly...
Just wondered if someone else had experienced this and could explain the

mgroothuis (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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