
I just tested and every time you use te text tool it could happen the following:

 * If you click on an existing text you will edit that text
 * If you click outside any text layer a new /text layer /will be
   created where you can add your text.

The text layers are special because you can edit the text later on, unless you apply any filter that can convert it to a image layer.

If you want to create a text just in top of another text you can either create it in other place and then move it where you want to or you can hide the layer and then put the new text where you want (you can hide the layer with the icon of the /eye/ in the layers control)

Create a new document and play a little with the text tool, that will give you an idea of how it works, its quite intuitive.



On 28/06/15 19:51, VisionaryHag wrote:
I am trying to add new text to a document, but every time I add a new layer and
try to write the text, it jumps to the text layer that is already in the
document and messes with that layer instead.  I also had this issue when trying
to move a layer so I am guessing the issue is in the layers, or some setting.

I can't find any info on this issue anywhere.  Hoping someone can help.  Thanks
so much!

I should mention that I am new to GIMP.

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