On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 2:02 AM, PlasticTopHat wrote:
> My current drawing is really building up an amazing collection of layers. I
> still would like to be able to edit these layers individually later on, but 
> for
> now I would be happy with having some of them "collapsed" in groups. I'd 
> rather
> not merge them together and have to store individual layers in a separate file
> to import later. Is there an easy way to "collapse" a group of layers?
> For instance, the drawing is of a wooden cross with ivy growing on it. I have
> three layers of ivy leaves, each a slightly different shade. I would like to
> collapse them into a "leaves" group that takes up less space in my layers 
> menu,
> but still have them expandable if I decide to edit them later.
> Is there a way to do that, or something similar?


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