I am having issues creating Python-fu scripts that seem to be editor 
related. I have a number of editors, but only one works with python-

To illustrate; I am unable to use the Atom to author/create python-fu 
scripts. It isn't an issue with the script. E.g. I create a new python 
document using Atom (in the correct working directory), paste some 
content into the file that I know to be good, and re-save it. However, 
when I fire up GIMP the file/script is not found. I do the same thing, 
using TextWrangler, create the file, save it (in the same working 
directory as before), paste the content (also as before), and again re-
save it, and it works! GIMP finds the file, and will execute the same.

The thing is, it isn't just Atom. I experience the same problem using 
Sublime Text, CotEditor, and TextEdit (I am on OS X).

Can anyone suggest what is going on here?

Many thanks

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