Not sure if I should post this as a bug, thought I'd check here to see if maybe
there is just a setting somewhere buried in a menu that I should change.
I tried GIMP several years ago as a TIF viewer/handler, but it could never print
tif files without critically crashing gimp.  A few discussions revealed a flaw
in the print routine; the "fix" was to add an error message that says "can't
print" rather than letting gimp crash (well, didn't help me print, but I guess
an error message is better than crashing and losing all my work, right?)
Thought I'd try again to see if any improvements were ever made, but now it
appears that printing only yields "not responding" folowed by fatal crash, and
even trying save changes fails with "Cannot handle the size (either width or
height) of the image."
Is there a hidden setting somewhere that I have not been able to find, or is TIF
simply not fully supported?

Windows 7 64 bit 
GIMP 2.8.18

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