On 04/01/17 20:57, paulhurm wrote:
I have several hundred World War One era photographs I am working with that my
grandfather took during his service with the Army Medical Corps. I have no
negatives so I am working with nearly 100 year old B&W prints. I have scanned
all of these but my scans have problems, one major is discussed here with the
hope of getting some suggestions.

Many of these prints have undergone “silver creep” where the silver particles
have migrated through the emulsion. Of course, these places have lost at least
some of the detail that was there. When looking at the prints, these areas
appear dark but if held at the right angle light will reflect off of them and
they appear bright. When scanned these areas mostly appear white and are
annoying to look and detract the eye away from what detail remains.

Recurrent question, and it appears the answer is to not scan them, but make photos of them with a decent camera/lens using a side lighting so that the dark areas do not reflect light into the lens.
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