>Recurrent question, and it appears the answer is to not scan them, but
>make photos of them with a
>decent camera/lens using a side lighting so that the dark areas do not
>reflect light into the lens.

Yes, I have had the take photographs idea mentioned and it may be eventually
necessary but I am avoiding handling the pages any more than I have to. The
handwritten captions appear to have been done with something like a crayon,
certainly not a pencil or ink pen. They are starting to flake off in a few areas
and I am afraid to handle the pages too much more.

I do not have the camera equipment to accomplish that task by myself.
Interestingly the "Instructables" web site recently had an article about
building a light box to use with the camera on a phone. I do not have a phone to
use and my digital camera has recently died also. No bucks to build even a cheap
light box either so I am trying to get going with the scans I already have.

Now, after other responses I received I have gone back and started to dig
through GMIC. That utility is kind of overwhelming with all it contains and my
unfamiliarity kept me from digging too deeply. Yesterday though I did go through
a few of the sections that I thought might be most promising and I hit on
something that, to my eye at least, helps the appearance. I plan to post be
before and afters a bit later on for everyone to comment on.



paulhurm (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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