HambaHambaHamba wrote:
Hi I was wondering, when we have Display Navigation docked as one of
our menus, when we zoom in on our canvas, it doesn't zoom in the
navigation, but it does show a little preview... a square of how
much, and where we have zoomed in on the canvas. The square has white
borders, and anything outside the area of the zoom is darkened...
almost barely visible. Although I don't mind the square, I was
wondering, is there a way to disable the darkened area... the area
outside of the zoom, so that only square zoom remains in the Display

I want to record a speed painting video, and cause it's all speeded
up, I wanna have a little preview that doesn't constantly jumps in
and of the whole canvas (cause of zooming), hence the Display
Navigation. But, at the same time, the darkening of the 'out of the
focus' area, also makes the preview of the whole piece a bit...
epilepsy educing. So, any tips on the removal of the darkened area
whilst zooming in the Display Navigation?

Perhaps View > New View - it gives you a separate window showing the same image, which can be zoomed and scrolled independently. I think the Navigation Window is probably intended to highlight the area you're currently working on, to help find your way around when working on fine details of a large image.


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