I can't see a way of selecting the current tool. If I'm wrong and there is a
function call for this and (ideally) an enumeration of the tools for a drop-down
selection box then it would be possible. You would have to consider the settings
of the selected tools - what if you wanted (for example) the pencil with one
radius for when the top layer is visible and a different radius when the top
layer isn't visible?

I previously noted that you can use Ctrl-F to repeat the script if you are using
no other scripts - you can of course assign any script to a keyboard short-cut
if you need to use other scripts between calls of the layer toggling script.

>Also, one other feature for this would make it even better: the option
>to also select which tool is selected upon toggling.
>You've already made something better than I could have asked for, but
>if you could add this it'd be perfection.

programmer_ceds (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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