>a none existing floppy drive? I'm working on a laptop - it never had a
>floppy drive. are you saying its BIOS definitions? I'll check into
>there is an error message appearing, with all the gimp windows as they
>were, with an OK button on it.
>i press "ok" and then it shows a dialogue saying: 
>"GNU Image manipulating program has stopped working    a problem
>caused the program to stop working correctly. windows will close the
>program and notify you if a solution is available."
>with a "close program" button. 
>I press the button and that's all. Gimp is closed.

another detail: when it crashes because I chose to create a new file (open menu
"file">choose "new") - it crashes not when I select a file from presets or
choose size and hit ok - but after i choose "new". so it goes like this: I
choose "file" in menu>I click on "new">a "create new image" dialogue pops
up>some time passes (about half a minute)>it crashes with a message.

Nic (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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