>I have a PSD Photoshop file and want to get it into GIMP. When I tried

Just looking at a typical CD template from a printing company. Several different
formats were provided. You might have the option of a PDF. If that is there,
open in Gimp with resolution of 300 ppi (Gimp default is 100 ppi) Then you only
get one layer instead of maybe two. Make your own working layer. The other way
is via krita - to psd - to Gimp as a .xcf (example attached, actual layout
depends on your printer co.).

Remember the reverse is also true. Once you have made your design, export the
artwork as maybe a png. Open in Krita, change the colour space RGB -> CMYK
Export as a something.psd for the printing company.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1137/original/4pane-rgb.xcf.gz

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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