i read the whole article, downloaded FontAgent9 (btw wayyys better than Fontbook
but VERY expensive as an alternative)
-deleted fonts caches (all), restarted, same problem :((
-made a Timemachine safe (just in case...), closed ALL apps, typed your formula
in Terminal, validated with pass, got a message about fonts (so, it DID
sumptin'), closed, restarted... SAME ISSUE ON GIMP 2.10.12 :((

i use Catalina 10.15 latest version today.
the problem is like i had a QWERTY keyboard (i use AZERTY, I'm french) : when I
type 2 i get a 4 on my box. WHEREAS in the text editor window I HAVE MY CORRECT

i regret my good old 2.8.2 which NEVER failed. although the selections did no
more appear in Catalina.
How do we do ?

Any help that doesn't need a terminal-toolbox-specialist ? I mean, rather
disappointing when my Mac ALWAYS works without having to f***k about like in
thank you Gimpusers, i LOVE Gimp, and do NOT want anythang else.

Ollie Brenkman.

>It's a font cache issue with the Mac
>Close all applications. ( ...
>Start Terminal (located in the Utilities folder; press Command-Shift-U
>to open this folder).
>Type:  sudo atsutil databases -remove   and press Return.
>Type your password at the prompt (no characters will echo back to the

iollie (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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