Can anyone here help with my current situation with gimp & xsane?

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On 03 Apr 2001 12:40:52 -0400, Mike Porter wrote:
> On 3 Apr 2001, Rupert Heesom wrote:
> It's been a while since I've done this, and the file locations can
> be different - depends on how you compiled it.  Edit
> /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and comment all the driver lines out except
> for the driver you need.  Create a group in /etc/group called
> scanner and add yourself to it.  Change the group for the scanner
> device to be scanner:
> chgrp scanner <scanner-device>
> and then:
> chmod g+w <scanner-device>.
> Log out and back on so you pick up your membership in group
> scanners.

I thought sane was configured correctly because xsane works fine on it's
I looked at my /usr/etc/sane.d/dll.conf, I found all sorts of scanners
listed.  I "#" out all but my 
UMAX scanner line.   I also had a look at the umax.conf file.   Here I
found the file contents of:
("#" are added in by myself after looking at it)

scsi UMAX * Scanner

# scsi LinoHell Office
# scsi LinoHell JADE
# scsi LinoHell Office2
# scsi LinoHell SAPHIR2
# scsi Nikon AX-210
# scsi KYE ColorPage-HR5
# scsi EPSON Perfection600

When I load either xscanimage or xsane, I get a dlg asking which scanner
I want to use:
UMAX: /dev/scanner or UMAX: /dev/sgg.   I usually choose /dev/scanner.

I looked at the /dev files, and noted that /dev/scanner is a symbolic
link to /dev/sgg.
I tried to disable /dev/scanner (by taking all but owner permissions

All that this did was to disable the scanner for me.  Both xscanimage
and xsane couldn't find a scanner anymore.   So /dev/scanner is back.

I've created a "scanner" group, added myself (rupert) into it (in
etc/group).   I've also changed the default group for the files of
/dev/scanner, /dev/sgg, ~/.gimp-2.1/plug-ins/xsane.
The group creation itself doesn't seem to have done anything useful.

I would like to get rid of the scanner duplication which xsane etc picks
up.....any ideas?

I realised why I can run GIMP as root from a console.  When I su to
root, it's using the root install of GIMP which doesn't have the xsane

I suspect that when GIMP picks up xsane (under "rupert") that xsane is
then waiting for input as to which scanner device to use, so perhaps
once I've sorted that one out, the rest will follow?

> > If I wanted to read a book on the GIMP, what is the best one to start
> > with?
> I like the Gimp User's Manual.  You can read it via a browser or
> buy a copy.  It's a beautiful book and well worth buying.  I
> suspect it's so expensive because it is printed on really nice
> paper.

Thanks, bookmarked the user manual, and downloaded a PDF version.


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