"Kevin Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Friday 24 January 2003 23:55, Kevin Myers wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I'm back once again with my rather extreme requirements, as usual...
> This time, here is the situation:  I have roughly 100 very large grayscale
> images (up to 600M pixels each) that I need to distribute to some
> investors/clients on CD for their use in evaluating engineering projects
> that I have proposed.  Using various compression techniques, I can
> successfully fit these images onto one CD, along with all of the other
> information that I need to send out.  I will be providing copies of the
> same CD to multiple prospective clients for their evaluation.
> But, I have several problems:
> 1. I need a viewing and printing application that can work with very large
> TIFF images, which can also be distributed freely to my clients on the same
> CD.
> 2. Preferably this application should require little or nothing in the way
> of installation.
> 3. Most of these clients are almost certainly running computers with much
> less RAM and configured with much less virtual memory than it would take to
> load these images into memory for viewing.  So, a viewing application that
> requires completely loading the image into memory for viewing would almost
> certainly be completely out of the question.
> 4. All of these clients are independent shops from my own, and will be
> running Windows.  I can't ask them to switch or to install some Linux or
> Unix variant just to view my images.
> 5. The application must be able to print extremely large images.  Since
> most printers have very limited page sizes compared to the size of these
> images, the application must either support tiling the image to multiple
> pages (preferably), or allow a specific portion of the image to be printed.

Have you tried OpenOffice? I have no idea if it would work but it's free. You 
can download it from it's website, openoffice.org.
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