On Friday 19 September 2003 11:37 am, Carol Spears wrote:
> sorry about the list silence.
> i was looking at your web site.  my goodness, i was impressed and
> charmed.

Well, thank you.:-)
> could you tell about what the html there was doing?  it worked very
> nicely, and i don't have java or flash working here.

Ok, the url in question is:

what I use there is "dhtml", the buzz word for scripting a site with 
javascript (ecmascript), and CSS. 
The page in question is part of a presentation on the GPL  I have made 
this year. I prepared it roughly in the form of slides, but of course 
I would not  use MS powerpoint. Neither were I in a mood to use the 
OpenOffice counterpart. So I took my time to show them that plain 
HTML could also be used to make fancy sliding presentations. 

That was the result.

The background images were done using POV-Ray.



> carol

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